We have two used factories, which is a biggest and has a strong background in used and second-hand filed in Guangzhou China. We have all different grades of used and second hand clothing. We ship in 20 or 40 foot containers. Have mixed clothing, men's, women's, children. Outerwear to underwear, jackets, jeans, pants, shorts, shirts, shoes. We are looking for reliable importers to buy our clothing for your country. Our cost is dependent on the quantity of kind of clothes that needs work,so please contact us for a quote. if you have basic questions, we would be happy to answer them free of charge. Thank you, We look forward to helping your co***ny succeed.
*High quality and are all sourced from China. *Shipping at any time on 40ft continer basis. *Men's,Lady's, Kids' are included Item:Men's/Lady's/kid's sourced from China in selected and high quality. Variation:all season Minimum order quantity(MOQ):20Ton Provisions: Payment:preferable TT remittance For more information,please contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for you drawing attention and clicking us.
Company: |
start moon user factory
Contact: |
Ms. joy yuan |
Address: |
NO.4warehouse, jing kang logistics second road of xiahua baiyundistrct of GUANGZHOU,CHINA |
Postcode: |
510000 |
Tel: |
862036518516 |
Fax: |
862036518516 |
E-mail: |